Japanese history overview Pt. 5: The Muromachi era Pt. 2

Japanese history overview Pt. 5: The Muromachi era Pt. 2

Congratulations on reaching part two of the Muromachi era overview. I had to split this one into two because there’s so much to get through. It’s such a complicated era, the majority of which consists of non-stop fighting for control of the shōgunate and, by extension, the country(which, to be fair, doesn’t differentiate it much from the era that came before it). Luckily, the Ōnin…

Japanese history overview Pt. 4: The Muromachi era Pt. 1

Japanese history overview Pt. 4: The Muromachi era Pt. 1

Welcome to part four of this overview of Japanese history. This time, we’re looking at the Muromachi era. As always, if you haven’t read the previous parts, I recommend doing so. Otherwise, you might not know who Ashikaga Takauji is or how he succeeded in toppling the newly-reformed court and establishing Japan’s second shōgunate. I apologise for this article’s confusing name, but the Muromachi era…